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Challenge Extended for April 

New Challenge is for all participants to invite one other person to join our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge through April!

Random Acts of Kindness Challenge

On March 1, 2019, Tim Barnes, the Executive Director of Ecumenical Senior Center spoke to us about a story he once heard about a man who kept a coin in his pocket.  He explained that this man would start the day with the coin in his right pocket and his goal was to quietly perform some random act of kindness. 


Once he had performed this task, he would place the coin in his left pocket.  His personal goal  was to end the day with the coin in this left pocket, knowing in his  heart that he made a difference

Tim challenged all of us to join him in the month of March to commit to perform a daily random act of kindness.  Tim distributed a chip to all interested participants as a reminder to keep on track with their goal.


If up to the challenge, each participant will be on their honor and should perform (something other than what you already do on a regular basis), quietly and without fanfare.  

At the end of the month we will discuss how the challenge went and how it made us feel.  If you would like to join this challenge, contact any ESC staff person to sign up and receive a coin. 


On March 27, 2019 we pulled a name from those participating for a prize. 


In April, Join us by inviting a friend to take the challenge.  Sign up with Tim and get a coin for a friend.    






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