Beginner Spanish Class
Our Next Class Begins
Friday, April 26
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
Spanish class #2 @ Ecumenical Senior Center (Fridays 12:30-1:30 p.m.)*
Week #1 (April 26)...Review sounds of letters...Question words
Week #2 (May 3)...Telling time
Week #3 (May 10)...Objects with definite and indefinite articles
Week #4 (May 17)...Short conversations...What do you do?/Where are you?
Week #5 (May 24)...Foods...What do you want to eat?/What do you want to drink?
Week #6 (May 31)...Wrap up review...Spanish Bingo
Please sign up at the center or call Lou or Charlene if you need more details.
6 lessons that ended Friday, March 22, 2019
with a celebratory lunch at
Mi Pueblo Restaurant

Special thanks to Sam Haywood our volunteer Spanish Instructor. We are excited to offer additional classes soon.
I am so happy that we were able to offer this class. As the Executive Director, I think it's important to provide educational opportunities for our seniors. Sam Haywood, our volunteer Spanish Teacher emailed me this after the last formal class on March 15, 2019.
Today we learned how to make close to 200 simple sentences using "I need", "I want", "I like", and "I'm going to" with only 24 basic verbs. For example, "I need to eat", "I want to play", "I like to run", "I'm going to talk." We also made each of these sentences negative by adding "I don't" at the beginning!
Week #1 Greetings, farewell
Week #2 Days of the week, months of the year
Week #3 Counting to 30
Week #4 Learning colors
Week #5 Foods and drinks
Week #6 Learning basic sentences
Week #7 Lunch at Mi Pueblo Restaurant on Gull Road
Sam informed me that everyone would like to continue learning more! We will be setting up additional Spanish Classes soon.
Respectfully, Tim Barnes - Executive Director of ESC