I would like to be a contestant
Fashion Show on a Shoestring Budget Challenge
Contestant Registration
Name ___________________________________________ Phone_______________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________________________
Sponsor’s Name ________________________________________________________________
If available, would you be willing to be assigned a sponsor? Yes or No
Registration Fee of $35 and registration is due by July 15, 2019
One Formal Wear Outfit and One Causal Wear Outfit
Budget of only $30 of your own resources – If a sponsor can be secured you will be reimbursed for entrance fee and budget at the completion of the event.
A detailed list of clothing and accessories, along with store receipt are required and must be submitted by August 12.
Items must be purchased between July 15 & August 10, 2019
Undergarments and shoes and/or footwear do not need to be purchased and thus are not included in the $30 total allotted budget.
The winner will receive:
Bragging Rights for the best Fashion on a Shoestring
$150 for First Place Formal Outfit
$150 for First Place Casual Outfit
$100 for Overall People’s Choice Award for the contestant with the best overall presentation
I have read the guidelines for this fashion show competition and will abide by all regulations as stated above.
_______________________________________________ ___________________
Contestant Signature Date
________________________________________________ ____________________
Sponsor (Contact Person) Phone
Registration Fee Paid ______________ ____________________ _____________ Payment Type Who Paid Amount
Please send completed form and payment to Ecumenical Senior Center, 702 N. Burdick Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007. Call 269-381-9750 for further details.